Loan Insurance

If you purchased vehicle insurance from THFCU, is a fast, easy and secure way to get up to date insurance information from you. Have the reference ID ready that was sent to you via U.S. mail or e-mail to locate your policy. If you do not have a reference ID, you can look yours up right on the site as long as you have basic loan information handy.
Optional Loan Protection
MEMBER'S CHOICE® Credit Disability & Life Insurance is a way to help protect your loan. There's no way to predict an injury, illness or your unexpected death, but you can take steps along the way to make sure your family is provided for if the unforeseen were to happen. MEMBER'S CHOICE Credit Disability and Credit Life Insurance may help to pay your loan so you or your loved ones don't have to.*
How Does It Work?
The Premium is included in your monthly payment. If you have a balance on your loan and are totally disabled due to a covered injury or illness or in the event of your unexpected death, MEMBER'S CHOICE Credit Disability and Credit Life Insurance may help.* By taking a few simple steps while signing your loan paperwork, you're helping take responsibility for your family's financial future. Your loan officer can show you how. You won't receive extra bills or statements; everything is included in your monthly payment.
If you change your mind, you can cancel coverage at any time. If coverage is canceled within the first 30 days you will receive a full refund. If at any point you have questions, or if your family needs to file a claim, simply contact your credit union. Coverage is immediate for eligible borrowers.
Why is it Valuable?
You and your family won't have to make loan payments if you're totally disabled due to covered injury or illness. It will help pay your loan until you're fully recovered or in the event of your unexpected death, it may pay off the loan.* Savings, salary, or payoffs from other life insurance may be used for other important things, giving your family financial freedom when they need it most.
*Up to your policy maximums per terms and conditions and exclusions on your Credit Insurance Certificate.
Other Protection
Mechanical Breakdown Protection (MBP) covers the cost of mechanical breakdowns above and beyond the original manufacturer's warranty
Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) covers the deficiency balance on your loan in the event of a total loss.
Learn more about MBP and GAP, get a quote, and choose coverage by clicking Go there.

Hours & Location
Mon - Fri 7:30am to 5:30pm
Mon - Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm
Located at:
801 11th Street
Two Harbors, MN 55616